
Exhausto: manufacturer of ventilation solutions
Exhausto’s manufacture includes ventilation solutions with a number of aluminium components. Exhausto needs a partner, who is close, yet far away. Close in terms of storage - and logistically setup, in order to enable flexibility. Far away in terms of contacts in a big world, enabling competitive prices. Alumeco contributes with both.
- All our ventilation aggregates include aluminium. We buy profiles from Alumeco, which we have designed with Alumeco. They acquire the material in long lengths, cut it up, process it and put it into storage. This gives us short delivery times, says Jacob Frank, Strategic Purchaser at EXHAUSTO.
- We are also working on a China setup, meaning that Alumeco acquires several of our profiles from China. This gives us the same delivery reliability at attractive prices and we can even store the material at Alumeco, reducing our costs for storage.
Perfect choice of material
Aluminium is the perfect choice of material for EXHAUSTO, since weight and durability play a vital role in more than one way:
- We value corrosion resistance, low weight and formability, since aluminium is easier to bend than steel and it ensures easy mounting. We also use aluminium profiles for our engine products. We manufacture the engines in our facility and aim to manufacture components of extruded aluminium instead of steel. We further use 0.24mm coils for making hot plate reversers, says Jacob Frank and continues:
- When we need a new component, we ask Alumeco about price, delivery and storage setup and we always have a great dialogue about new products and ideas. Thus, being a proactive supplier is an advantage.
Constantly astute
John Reimer Hansen, Key Account Manager at Alumeco, says the following about the partnership with EXHAUSTO:
- A good logistics solution is the vital part of our partnership with EXHAUSTO. It started with deliveries of processed profiles, which we stored as raw long lengths and processed successively when Exhausto was in need for it. We still do, but we have also succeeded in integrating a China setup and thus assisted the client in sourcing processed profiles from China, without compromising on delivery reliability and quality.
- Further, we recently started to store aluminium coils of different sizes for the client, which we handle and deliver successively. We even managed to find more alloy alternatives for the client. This makes us less vulnerable in periods with capacity shortage at the manufacturers. We try to stay constantly astute, to develop the partnership and find new great opportunities for both parties.
The case was made in cooperation with EXHAUSTO.
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