Request Alumeco's environmental data through CDP

You can now request Alumeco’s environmental data through CDP – Carbon Disclosure Project. This will help you map your scope 3 carbon footprint.
The purpose of CDP is to make environmental reporting by companies transparent and consistent, so that partners can easily access the necessary information.
What is CDP?
CDP is a non-profit organisation working to make environmental reporting transparent. All companies who disclose through CDP are scored annually on a scale from F to A. The rating reflects how transparent the company is – it is not a measure of how environmentally friendly the company is.
How do you use CDP?
CDP is a platform where companies can both report their own data and request data from suppliers and partners. This means that through the platform, you can ask your suppliers to report climate data. You will then receive a standardised and assessed report, allowing you to compare data across companies year after year.
When you request Alumeco's data, you can now access it as soon as this year's report has been scored.
What the rating means
Failure to disclose: F
The rating F is given to companies that have not submitted sufficient data to be scored.
Disclosure: D-/D
D is given to companies that are in the early stages of their environmental work and have submitted basic data on all points.
Awareness: C-/C
C is given to companies that, in addition to basic data, also know their impact on climate issues and people.
Management: B-/B
B is given to companies that initiate initiatives to reduce their environmental and climate impact.
Leadership: A
The rating A is given to companies that undertake third-party certified actions for the climate and/or the environment and are implementing best practice.